The Academic Pro Extended Theme is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in all aspects of publication. The following principles guide our commitment to maintaining integrity, transparency, and fairness throughout the publication process:

1. Authorship and Contribution:

  • Authors should ensure that all listed authors have made substantial contributions to the research and preparation of the manuscript.
  • Guest authorship and ghostwriting are not acceptable; contributions must be acknowledged appropriately.

2. Originality and Plagiarism:

  • Submitted manuscripts must be original and should not have been published previously or under consideration by another journal.
  • Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited. Authors must provide proper citations and references for all sources.

3. Data Integrity and Transparency:

  • Authors must provide accurate and complete information regarding their research methods, data collection, and analysis to ensure reproducibility.
  • Falsification or fabrication of data is unacceptable.

4. Peer Review Process:

  • The peer review process ensures the quality of published content. Reviewers are expected to evaluate manuscripts impartially and provide constructive feedback.
  • Reviewers should declare any conflicts of interest that might affect their judgment.

5. Confidentiality and Anonymity:

  • Authors' and reviewers' identities are kept confidential during the peer review process.
  • Reviewers are expected to maintain confidentiality regarding the content and findings of the manuscripts they review.

6. Conflict of Interest:

  • Authors, reviewers, and editors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their objectivity.
  • Conflicts of interest should be managed transparently and appropriately.

7. Corrections and Retractions:

  • If errors are identified in published articles, authors should promptly notify the editorial team. Corrections and retractions will be handled transparently and ethically.

8. Ethical Research Conduct:

  • Authors are expected to adhere to ethical research practices, including obtaining proper permissions for using human or animal subjects.
  • Research involving humans and animals must comply with ethical guidelines and regulations.

9. Author Responsibilities:

  • Authors should provide accurate and complete information in their manuscripts and respond to reviewer and editor queries promptly.
  • Authors should disclose sources of funding and any potential conflicts of interest.

10. Editorial Independence:

  • Editors make decisions based on the quality and integrity of the content, without any undue influence from third parties.
  • Editorial decisions are based on scientific validity, relevance, and ethical considerations.

Conclusion: The Academic Pro Extended Theme upholds these ethical principles to ensure the credibility, transparency, and responsible dissemination of knowledge. By maintaining high ethical standards, we aim to contribute to the advancement of scholarship and foster trust within the academic community and beyond.