Editorial Team

  1. Editor-in-Chief:

    • Prof. John Smith (Harvard University)
  2. Associate Editors:

    • Dr. Maria Lopez (Harvard University)
    • Prof. David Lee (Harvard University)
    • Dr. Sarah Johnson (Harvard University)
  3. Editorial Advisory Board:

    • Prof. Michael Brown (Harvard University)
    • Dr. Anna Wilson (Harvard University)
    • Prof. Robert Thompson (Harvard University)
    • Dr. Emily Chen (Harvard University)
  4. Managing Editor:

    • Zack
  5. Section Editors:

    • Dr. Jessica Martinez (University California)
    • Prof. Christopher Davis (University California)
  6. Editorial Assistants:

    • Ghacoc (University Indonesia)
    • Darko Danny (University Indonesia)
  7. Technical Support:

    • Arif Cole (University Indonesia)
    • Dany  (University Indonesia)


Please note that this is just a sample list and the actual composition and roles of the Editorial Board or Editorial Team may vary depending on the journal. The affiliations mentioned are placeholders and should be replaced with the actual affiliations of the individuals involved.